T.3-5.DL.1 Use age-appropriate software to generate new ideas and create products.
LA.4.W.4 Produce writing that honors God and affirms the principles in His Word.
LA.4.W.5 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization (e.g., chronological, cause and effect, similarities and differences) are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
LA.4.W.6 With adult and peer support, develop and strengthen writing by planning, revising, and editing.
LA.4.W.7 With support, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing (using grade-appropriate keyboarding skills), as well as to interact and collaborate.
LA.4.W.12 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Subject: Writing Topic: Poetry Time: 2 Class periods
Lesson Objective(s):
The student will type an original couplet poem.
The student will share positive feedback about their classmates' poems.
Materials Needed:
- Computer or tablet that can be projected on a screen for all students to view.
- Computers for students to use (or tablets with keyboards).
- Access to Google Classroom
Anticipatory Set: Read some couplet poems to the students, or find and show videos on YouTube of someone reading a couplet poem to capture students’ interest. The teacher will then tell the students the lesson objective.
Method: After students are introduced to several couplet poems, the teacher will help the class write a poem together. The teacher will project their computer screen (or tablet device) for all the students to see and use document software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. The teacher will brainstorm topics with the students and type them in the document. Then the teacher will type a phrase or two and with students’ help rhyme the end words of each line. After this, give students time to type at least 3 topics they are interested in writing a couplet poem about. When they are ready, have them type their poems. The teacher should walk around the room to check on students and provide help when needed. Students should be typing until the teacher concludes the writing time.
Assessment: Students will either print their poem and turn it in for the teacher to check for understanding and/or proofread, or share the Google Doc with the teacher. If the Google Doc is shared with the teacher, the teacher can also add comments for feedback.
Approaching: provide a couplet poem template/worksheet for the student and/or help the student choose words to rhyme; pair student with a partner
Advanced: challenge the student to write another couplet or two; pair advanced student with approaching student to help them
Social Network Integration: After the teacher has collected everyone's poems and read through them (the following day), he will randomly post one at a time on the Google Classroom 'stream' for everyone to view. Every student will then be required to type one complete sentence in the 'stream' to say something they liked about the poem, found interesting or surprising.
Students' comments will be graded on the following criteria:
- 1 pt - Complete sentence (capital letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end)
- 1 pt - Comment is positive, unique and specifically related to classmate's poem
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Screenshot from Google Classroom stream |
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