Monday, July 22, 2013

Creativity & Technology in the Classroom

Here is a Q&A session I had with one of my students about creativity and technology in the classroom. His answers are in blue.

1. What do you like to create for fun at home or school?
I like to make drawings and pictures.

2. Do you like to be creative with schoolwork, or just do what you have to do get an A? Why?
It depends on the subject. For some (math, history, and science sometimes) I just like to get it done (textbook work). For art & hands-on stuff I like to spend time being creative.

3. What kinds of assignments/projects do you feel that you learn/remember the most from? Why?
Art stuff because I can look back on it and see it and remember. I also remember two of the projects we did this year very well - the one I did on a sea urchin and the other of a torpedo from the Industrial Revolution.

4. What do you enjoy more in school - when the teacher tells you exactly what you need to create, or when you have some choices/flexibility for what you can create? Why?
Choices, because I can be more creative/original/spontaneous. I can make it how I imagine it. I like making stuff.

5. Do you enjoy and learn better from books or online content? Why?
Online, because I can do it faster and obtain more information in less time. 

6. Is it more fun to do hands-on projects or computer-produced projects? Why? Is there a time and a place for each?
I enjoy hands-on things better, but also enjoy computer projects in which I get to digitally design stuff, or create models,

7. Do you think there are creative ways to learn all the subjects in school?
Yes, with hands-on projects or computers. Computers have a lot of programs that foster creativity.

8. What kinds of learning/subjects do you think computers are most helpful with?
Science, writing and math because you can get instant feedback to see if you're right or wrong about something, plus you can do an assignment faster typing versus writing it.

9. Do you think we use technology enough in our classroom, or should we use it more? How so?
I think we use it enough, although I would like to use it more since I like technology and computers. If students brought their own techy devices to school, I don't think they would be responsible enough to stay on task with their devices. They would need restrictions.

10. If we could do anything to our classroom to make it a better place to learn in, what would you suggest we do or get?
Making everything digital and having all assignments on the computer (besides the hands-on projects).

In summary, my student seems to remember things better when given a project that is hands-on, creative, and/or involves online technology. He also greatly enjoys creative freedom and the opportunity to use online technology to expedite his assignments. I would say that his answers accurately represent most of his classmates' feelings on this too, based on my observation of them in class.

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